Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mini Biography Organizer

Our class will be reading a biography about Helen Keller this week (Journeys reading program).  I will also be using these books from Scholastic...
to have my students research an additional person during the week!  I whipped up a little organizer and writing paper for my students to do this...
(Click to grab it on TpT!)

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

{Freebie} Versatile Opinion Planner and Writing Paper

If you need additional resources for opinion writing, I created a planning sheet and writing paper that can be used for any opinion piece throughout the school year!  Grab it below (for free)!  :)

Have a great weekend!  :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Free CAFE Binder Set

After reading The Daily Five and The Cafe Book by The Two Sisters (Gail Boushey & Joan Moser), I've been creating pieces to include in my Cafe Binder (or Pensieve, as the two sisters call it).  I created the forms to fit my preferences and teaching style, but are basically the same as the forms that are available on their website.  If you are interested in the binder cover, tabs, and forms I created, you can download them below by clicking on the image!

The contents of this set are "as is".  Since this is a free item, customizing it is not an option.

Thanks for stopping by!  :)

The Daily 5 and CAFE are trademark and copy written content of The 2 Sisters. They do not authorize or endorse these materials. Please read their books if you are interested in implementing this program into your classroom. 

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

S.T.A.R. Folders, Writing Centers, Class Photos, and Freebies

It has been JULY since I last posted!  (I did spend roughly an hour writing a post several weeks ago, but lost the whole thing.  GRR!  It has taken until now for me to find the time and motivation to redo it!)  :)

The first thing I'm going to share is the setup of my students' "Take Home"/S.T.A.R. folders (Striving for Terrific Attitudes, Responsibility, and Success).

 Front (Nothing special!)

 Front Pocket- This is where students place their homework and anything that needs to be returned to school.

 Class Information Sheet -  Includes: daily schedule, class list, Scholastic Book Clubs code, class website address and QR code, homework schedule, class rules, and grading scale

CAFE Menu -  After reading the CAFE book this summer, I decided to include a reading strategies menu in each of my students' folders.  As I conference with students, I highlight the skill they are working on so they can share the strategy with their families and practice building the skill(s) at home. 

 S.T.A.R. Behavior Calendars -  The students color the calendar each day to show their behavior on the color chart.  Click HERE to view this on Teachers Pay Teachers.

 Nightly Reading Log -  Click HERE to download a free copy of the log I'm using with my class this year!

 The 100 Club -  Check this out on Christiana Bainbridge's blog! 

Back Pocket -  This pocket is for graded work or anything else that can stay at home.

I hope this is helpful, especially to those of you that have asked about my STAR folders! 

I have made ONE measly product since school has started!  {Sad, I know.}  My newest TpT creation is my packet of Writing Center Activities.  I created these to use for the Work on Writing portion of the Daily 5, but they can be used as early finisher activities, for literacy centers, etc.  Here it is:
(Click either photo to view on TpT!)

I keep all of my writing journals, templates, and supplies neatly stacked away in this bin:

I also had many people ask about my welcome sign and table numbers.  You can download them for free by clicking on the photos below!  (Beware: It is a HUGE file...evidently!)

Last, but not least, here are some classroom photos!  (Links to pictured items are included.)

 Class "Treasure Chest"

 Class Library - Chapter Book Section with Petey the Pig

 Front Board w/Daily 5 Rotation Charts and Show What You Know poster

 Front Board with Behavior Chart and Daily Schedule

 CAFE Strategies Board, Early Finisher Cards, and Terrific Tables

 Behind my desk - storage and read alouds

 My Workspace

 Daily Folders - This is where I organize all of my supplies for the upcoming week.

 Storage Bins

 Class Library with Finny the Frog

 Front of room w/Cafe board

 Small Group Area w/Comprehension Posters

 A Cupcake for the Teacher's reading strategies posters and Brownie Points

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Christmas in July Sale - Day 6 {Last Day!}

Today is the last day of the sale!
Here are my two sale items for Day 6:
(Click image to view product on Teachers Pay Teachers.)

Life Cycles Research Reports

Weekend Friend:  Petey the Pig

Be sure to check out all of the great sale items provided by the participating bloggers below!